Let's use this RSS feed generator written in bash: https://github.com/maxhebditch/rss-roller/blob/master/rss-roller
[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/11 ] [/srv/blog/rss]
→ rm -rf /root/.rss-roller.rc
[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/11 ] [/srv/blog/rss]
→ ./rss-roller.sh
feed does not exit already, going to make from scratch
What is your website called?: (e.g Google) "nowhere.moe Blog"
What is the link to the website?: (e.g http://google.com) https://blog.nowhere.moe
Give a brief description of your website: (e.g A search engine) Nihilist`s Technical Blog
Give the URL to where the rss feed will live: (e.g http://google.com/rssfeed.xml) https://blog.nowhere.moe/rss/feed.xml
What will be the feed file live on the disk?: (e.g /home/dog/www/rssfeed.xml has to match above) /srv/blog/rss/feed.xml
Where is the file path for the posts? (leave blank if you are not using auto mode):
please run rss-roller again with the --auto or --manual flags
[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/11 ] [/srv/blog/rss]
→ ./rss-roller.sh --manual
What is the title of the new update?: Decentralized Finances
What is the link of the new update?: https://blog.nowhere.moe/servers/finances/index.html
Provide a description of the new update: Centralised currencies, Decentralised Currencies, and Centralised Exchanges, privacy cryptos and decentralised exchanges
Provide a unique identifier for the update: 1
adding the header
adding the footer
[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/11 ] [/srv/blog/rss]
→ cat feed.xml
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<rss version='2.0' xmlns:atom='http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom'>
<!-- Made using rss-roller https://github.com/maxhebditch/rss-roller -->
<title>nowhere.moe Blog
<description>Nihilist`s Technical Blog
<atom:link href='https://blog.nowhere.moe/rss/feed.xml' rel='self' type='application/rss+xml' />
<title>Decentralized Finances
<guid isPermaLink='false'>1
<description>Centralised currencies, Decentralised Currencies, and Centralised Exchanges, privacy cryptos and decentralised exchanges
and then just access it on your website like this:
Until there is Nothing left.
Creative Commons Zero: No Rights Reserved
Donate XMR: 8AUYjhQeG3D5aodJDtqG499N5jXXM71gYKD8LgSsFB9BUV1o7muLv3DXHoydRTK4SZaaUBq4EAUqpZHLrX2VZLH71Jrd9k8
Contact: nihilist@contact.nowhere.moe (PGP)