"How charming it is to witness such harmony—where freedom is a gentle illusion, and every bleat is a reminder that safety lies not in the open fields, but in the comforting embrace of the shepherd’s leash"
some governments just love to restrict free flow of information in the name of serving and securing their citizens by implying censorship and blocking certain websites. So in this tutorail we deep dive into circumviliation tools and their working principles.
If your country makes TOR traffic as illegal, how can you access .onion websites anyway ?
Normally you would just hide that you are using Tor by hiding it behind a VPN (which can be based on wireguard or openvpn) like we have previously recommended:
but now we have another problem, what if your country also made VPNs illegal to use ?
If you are in a country where both Tor and VPNs are illegal to use, you'll need to use a censorship-evasion tool like v2ray to be able to safely hide that you're using Tor.
V2ray : an open source censorship circumvention tool also know as project V is a framework where one could stack protocols as well as modify standard protocols to bypass firewalls.
Xray: a superset of v2ray, with better overall performance and enhancements such as XTLS
XTLS is an optimized/modification of TLS protocol, it works by using real TLS to hide proxy traffic
V2ray is not a protocol rather a platform where users could design their own protocol stacks based on the primitive protocols like TCP,UDP,HTTP while vmess and vless are proxy protocols which are native to v2ray.
But How does a V2ray traffic look like?
Here's a Wireshark dump of curl archlinux.org with and without v2ray.we could use v2ray to make our own versions of primitive protocols to "fool the wall".
Transport : The protocol used to connect to the v2ray server.
Inbounds : Connections to the v2ray server.
Routing : Rules defining how an inbound connection should be treated. (Ex. drop connection requests from certain domains, route inbound through a socks server)
Outbounds : Connections going out of v2ray server.(Ex. Towards the user requested website)
an overview of v2ray server config looks like this
"log": {},
"api": {},
"dns": {},
"stats": {},
"routing": {},
"policy": {},
"inbounds": [],
"outbounds": [],
"transport": {}
Looking kinda complicated right, fear not we have Web-UI's to setup V2Ray servers. Web-UI aka "panels" could be used for user-management including traffic stats,uuid-generation and much more...
refer to Acquiring remote servers anonymously (non-KYC providers) for buying a VPS using XMR
Once you have the VPS ready and have established an SSH connection,we can start working on installing panel.
we'll be using alireza0/x-ui panel since its actively maintained, but you could also use MHSanaei/3x-ui .The v2ray server setup is same same for all.
Supported distributions - Ubuntu 20.04+ - Debian 11+ - CentOS 8+ - OpenEuler 22.03+ - Fedora 36+ - Arch Linux - Parch Linux - Manjaro - Armbian - AlmaLinux 8.0+ - Rocky Linux 8+ - Oracle Linux 8+ - OpenSUSE Tumbleweed - Amazon Linux 2023
#> bash <(curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alireza0/x-ui/master/install.sh)
Would you like to customize the Panel Port settings? (If not, random port will be applied) [y/n]: y
Please set up the panel port: 9566
Your Panel Port is: 9566
Port set successfully: 9566
Username and password updated successfully
Base URI path set successfully
This is a fresh installation, generating random login info for security concerns:
Username: fU8hjnoLSp
Password: ak8jX44rZy
Port: 9566
WebBasePath: EwAJmwAHwMk7FLK
If you forgot your login info, you can type 'x-ui settings' to check
Start migrating database...
Migration done!
Created symlink '/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/x-ui.service' → '/etc/systemd/system/x-ui.service'.
x-ui v1.8.7 installation finished, it is up and running now...
The script asks for the port to use. we could change the port later.
We could use the creds(Autogenerated) displayed above to access the webui
X-UI Control Menu Usage
x-ui - Admin Management Script
x-ui start - Start
x-ui stop - Stop
x-ui restart - Restart
x-ui status - Current Status
x-ui settings - Current Settings
x-ui enable - Enable Autostart on OS Startup
x-ui disable - Disable Autostart on OS Startup
x-ui log - Check Logs
x-ui update - Update
x-ui install - Install
x-ui uninstall - Uninstall
x-ui help - Control Menu Usage
In order to access the web UI, the url schema looks like this.
You can use x-ui settings command to retrieve panel info, like port and path.
############################################### Username: fU8hjnoLSp
Password: ak8jX44rZy
Port: 9566
WebBasePath: EwAJmwAHwMk7FLK
Once you access the web portal,use the username and password as above.
In order to receive inbounds we must create an inbound rule within the panel.
We are choosing vmess (as protocol) + websocket (as trasport).
copy the settings as below.
(you could change the port as of your liking)
VLESS does not provide built-in encryption, avoiding it for now. ref NOTE: VMess Requires to have time synced up.
a vmess link will look like vmess://<uuid>@<hostname>:<port>?<other_params>#<remarks>
$ unzip v2rayN-linux-64.zip
$ cd v2rayN-linux-64/
$ chmod +x v2rayN
$ ./v2rayN
After executing the above command a GUI will popup.
Routing is used when you want to avoid proxy for regional websites.
(A direct connection without proxy will be made by the clientside app based-off IP or Domain name)
Ex. if we access 1tv.ru, with this setting turned on it will be resolved using our actual IP than our Proxy IP
Setting up a v2ray server alone doesnt bypass any censors(it would be obvious if we push a large amount of traffic),rather we use some methods to make the traffic look geniune.
One such method is called Domain Fronting
We will be using Fastly, since it offers a free CDN without CreditCard + 30-day Websocket support(free-trial)
Start by creating an account at Fastly
Create a new cdn service like this
In here we can use any domain name since its for internal routing within cdn.
(meaning that within the CDN domain zero-google.com will resolve to our v2ray IP )
origin willbe our v2ray inbound IP
We can do inbounds to port 443(TLS port) and adjust inbound settings to have Fallback but that requires one to have an inbound config with TCP transport within the panel.
A Fallback is when you want to expose only one standard HTTP/HTTPS port(80,443) to receive inbounds but want to use different protocols like VMESS,Shadowsock... with the same port.
Fallback Can only be used with TCP/XTLS transport modes.
if (req.http.Upgrade) {
return (upgrade);
Copy the server config from panel(by clicking the qr-code) to clipboard.
Open client app(v2rayN/nekoray)
Ctrl + V
and edit it as follows.
For testing in Linux we are using v2rayN
go to
change proxy settings as follows.
(Proxy port shown in v2ray.
So that connection made by tor will go through v2ray server)
If we were to save it and try to connect it will fail. (connection died in state handshaking). So enable BridgesSet Bridges of Your Choice
And that's it! we managed to connect to an onion website, from a heavily-censored country, thanks to v2ray.
Until there is Nothing left.
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